中國石化新聞網訊 據普氏能源資訊網首爾3月21日消息,韓國最大的煉油商SK創新公司周三表示,公司已經簽署一份協議將完全收購美國頁巖油氣公司Longfellow Nemaha,這是公司擴大頁巖油開發業務所做努力的一部分。
SK勘探和開采美國公司總裁Kim Tae-won在聲明中表示:“公司最初是在2014年開始在不斷成長的美國油氣上游市場進行投資,通過這個平臺,我們繼續建立一個平衡的常規和非常規資產組合。”
Kim表示:“收購Longfellow Nemaha 公司利用了我們在該地區的運營專長,也是SK創新公司朝著實現在美國本土48州及其它地區成為頂級運營商的愿景邁出的重要一步?!?/p>
Longfellow Nemaha的油氣資產位于俄克拉荷馬州的STACK頁巖區,距離2014年收購的SK勘探和開采美國公司現有的俄克拉荷馬油田約40公里。
龐曉華 摘譯自 普氏能源資訊
S Korea's SK Innovation to buy 100% stake in US shale oil company
South Korea's top refiner SK Innovation said Wednesday it has signed a deal to buy 100% stake in US shale oil and gas company, Longfellow Nemaha as part of efforts to expand its shale oil development businesses.
The company will finalize the deal within the first half of this year, it said. It however, did not disclose the transaction price and other details.
SK Innovation said the agreement was made through its wholly owned US-based unit SK E&P America. It plans to invest Won 485.3 billion ($453.1 million) in SK E&P America in the asset acquisition and other projects.
The company "initially invested in the growing US oil and gas upstream market in 2014, and through this platform we continue to build a balanced portfolio of conventional and unconventional assets," Kim Tae-won, president of SK E&P America, said in the statement.
The acquisition of Longfellow "leverages our operational expertise in the region and represents a significant step towards realizing SK's vision of being a top-tier operator in the US Lower 48 and beyond," Kim said.
Longfellow's oil and gas assets are located in Oklahoma's STACK play, about 40 km from SK E&P America's existing Oklahoma field it acquired in 2014.